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Ever En Garde-n (D3 LE Open)

Posted: Mon Jun 14, 2021 3:50 am
by Kakita
Kakita walked through the cold garden that evening with rhythmic pace. To a passive observer it would seem he wandered about with little sense of direction... gliding slowly through the darkening scenery... but only a fool things the wind has no direction.

Each step carefully placed... each breath intently taken... to be a warrior was to live as one trained... to die as one lived. Kakita lived as a warrior even in this moment.

Re: Ever En Garde-n (D3 LE Open)

Posted: Mon Jun 14, 2021 4:50 am
by Chai Kotsume
Long after the sun had set and with the temperature dropping further, a walk through the garden might not seem like such a welcoming prospect. But the circumstances did mean less people around, Kotsume hoped, and that made for a good opportunity to take a walk through the gardens with all of her wild kin free to explore. So there she was, walking leisurely on simple, but warm travelling clothes as three otters - two adults, one cub - skittered curiously from one plant to the next, sniffing and scratching and now and then nibbling on plants and other things they found around. Closer to Kotsume, a fox followed her steps, the girl's hands caressing its ears now and then and whispering some words to it.

It is the fox that seems to notice the man's rhythmic steps first, her movements calling the girl's attention to him. "Evenin'!", she says towards him when she gets close enough to see him. "I see someone else doesn't mind the cold", she says with a small grin, hesitating for a bit as she almost extends a hand, then bows. "Chai Kotsume, from the Ki-rin tribe. Nice to meet you"

She doesn't seem to notice her mistake on calling the Ki-rin a tribe...

Re: Ever En Garde-n (D3 LE Open)

Posted: Mon Jun 14, 2021 5:07 am
by Kakita
The man stopped his rhythms and bowed to the entourage of beings along his path.

“Good evening. I am called Kakita. Attendant to Ryoshun Rei of the Bat.”

He bowed politely to the assembly. “You have quite the following Chai-san.”

Re: Ever En Garde-n (D3 LE Open)

Posted: Mon Jun 14, 2021 5:17 am
by Akodo Moshi
A young maiden with only one weapon on her hip walks through the garden and notices the two.

Re: Ever En Garde-n (D3 LE Open)

Posted: Mon Jun 14, 2021 11:56 am
by Kakita
One of the two notices the new arrival and nods politely in greeting.

Re: Ever En Garde-n (D3 LE Open)

Posted: Tue Jun 15, 2021 8:52 pm
by Chai Kotsume
Kakita wrote:
Mon Jun 14, 2021 5:07 am
The man stopped his rhythms and bowed to the entourage of beings along his path.

“Good evening. I am called Kakita. Attendant to Ryoshun Rei of the Bat.”

He bowed politely to the assembly. “You have quite the following Chai-san.”
Still bowed, the young woman smiled at him, although there was still a hint of a grin on the corner of her lips. "Pleased to meet you... Ryoshun-san", she says, slightly unsure of the title. She then waves her hands at the little ones around her as she slowly gets upright again. "They're a wonderful lot", she says. "Not always easy to deal with", she says with a silent chuckle. "But I wouldn't ask for a better group of kin".

She motions with her hands and clicks again, calling the otters to get closer. "I haven't had a chance to talk to many of the Bat here yet. I hope our northern neighbours are faring well?"

For now, Kotsume doesn't seem to notice the Lion.

Re: Ever En Garde-n (D3 LE Open)

Posted: Wed Jun 16, 2021 1:34 am
by Kakita
He nodded, “We are well. It is kind of you to think of us. You may call me Kakita. I do not bear the name of Ryoshun quite yet.”

He smiled so to show he paid no mind to the mistake.

“So have you traveled for the wedding with your crew?”

Re: Ever En Garde-n (D3 LE Open)

Posted: Wed Jun 16, 2021 10:47 pm
by Chai Kotsume
Kakita wrote:
Wed Jun 16, 2021 1:34 am
He nodded, “We are well. It is kind of you to think of us. You may call me Kakita. I do not bear the name of Ryoshun quite yet.”

He smiled so to show he paid no mind to the mistake.

“So have you traveled for the wedding with your crew?”
She nods again, as if acknowledging her mistake, keeping a smile on her face.

"Not exactly, although it was an... interesting opportunity, to have the honour of being invited to the reception. I was sent to the capital under the blessing of Shinjo-no-Kami and by a request of Chaihime-ue to bring her word on some issues in our lands. And Kakita-san?"

Re: Ever En Garde-n (D3 LE Open)

Posted: Wed Jun 16, 2021 11:10 pm
by Kakita
“I accompanied a cousin of the bride, one Ryoshun Rei.” He replied warmly.

“I am acquainted with one of Lady Shinjo’s daughters. Ryoko, I believe her name is. She is a friend to the Bat.”

Re: Ever En Garde-n (D3 LE Open)

Posted: Thu Jun 17, 2021 11:43 pm
by Chai Kotsume
Kakita wrote:
Wed Jun 16, 2021 11:10 pm
“I accompanied a cousin of the bride, one Ryoshun Rei.” He replied warmly.

“I am acquainted with one of Lady Shinjo’s daughters. Ryoko, I believe her name is. She is a friend to the Bat.”
"Ah, I see! I have met Ryoshun-san for some matters... relating to animals, in fact", she says with a smile. "Didn't know she was a cousin of Nanzi-sama, though!"

"Shinjo Ryoko-sama - I've heard of her, of course. I believe I saw her here in the palace shortly the day I arrived. Haven't seen her since, though... but I didn't know she was close to the bat." Another smile. "Knowing Shinjo no Kami's wishes, it is no surprise she would like to keep close ties to our northern neighbours, ne?"

She calls the critters closer to her again. "Did you... study among the Bat, Kakita-san?" She lowers herself to caress Uen's head for a moment, then looks at him again, smiling. "Do you like animals, by the way? I've heard from Ryoshun-san the clan's got a history with them too, ne?"

Re: Ever En Garde-n (D3 LE Open)

Posted: Fri Jun 18, 2021 9:36 pm
by Kakita
He shook his head, “No I studied elsewhere.”

He smiled softly, “I enjoy animals. My charge, Ryoshun Rei, has a particular affinity for them. She has brought with her a pet pig to the capital.”

Re: Ever En Garde-n (D3 LE Open)

Posted: Sat Jun 19, 2021 1:36 pm
by Chai Kotsume
Kakita wrote:
Fri Jun 18, 2021 9:36 pm
He shook his head, “No I studied elsewhere.”

He smiled softly, “I enjoy animals. My charge, Ryoshun Rei, has a particular affinity for them. She has brought with her a pet pig to the capital.”
"I see", she says to the first answer with a smile, sensing the man didn't really want to go on further about the subject.

She gets up after caressing Uen and Saen's head for some time and leaving the otters free to explore again for now. "Ah, Ryoshun-san mentioned her pet. I'm eager to meet the dear thing!"

"But so... your charge? As in... you're her protector?"

She knew it was a thing by now, of course. But it still surprised her a bit.

"Ah... but I'm sorry, all my questions must be disturbing what you were doing, Kakita-san? I sometimes get carried away!"

Re: Ever En Garde-n (D3 LE Open)

Posted: Sat Jun 19, 2021 4:40 pm
by Kakita
He shook his head, “It’s no disruption. And, yes. I accompanied her on her trek from Bat lands to the capital at the request of her mother to ensure nothing unfortunate befell her on the road.”

Re: Ever En Garde-n (D3 LE Open)

Posted: Sat Jun 19, 2021 4:46 pm
by Chai Kotsume
Kakita wrote:
Sat Jun 19, 2021 4:40 pm
He shook his head, “It’s no disruption. And, yes. I accompanied her on her trek from Bat lands to the capital at the request of her mother to ensure nothing unfortunate befell her on the road.”
She nods with a friendly smile, pointing the way forward as if inviting him to continue walking as they talk. "I see. And... did something befall you?"

Re: Ever En Garde-n (D3 LE Open)

Posted: Sun Jun 20, 2021 12:53 pm
by Kakita
He shook his head, “Nothing as of yet. But it is better to be safe than sorry.”

Re: Ever En Garde-n (D3 LE Open)

Posted: Sun Jun 20, 2021 1:39 pm
by Chai Kotsume
Kakita wrote:
Sun Jun 20, 2021 12:53 pm
He shook his head, “Nothing as of yet. But it is better to be safe than sorry.”
She nods. "Apparently the lands south of the Bat are relatively safe, then? That's good to hear." She smiles, but the way she puts it does suggest some other lands may not be so safe of late.