[D3 LM open]Traditions

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Bayushi Sasori
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[D3 LM open]Traditions

Post by Bayushi Sasori » Sun Jun 13, 2021 12:48 am

Stories about her mother sneaking in the gardens, Sasori explored the gardens. Shino jumped happily around the snow. The Scorpion girl giggled at the occurence of the black cat. "Shino that looks like fun. I should continue my search though." She looked around trying to find some clues.
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Akodo Kawauso
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Re: [D3 LM open]Traditions

Post by Akodo Kawauso » Sun Jun 13, 2021 5:54 am

A tall but rumpled looking Lion samurai-ko happens to be wandering in the garden, looking almost literally like she'd just been wrestling a bear. There was no armor under her heavy woolen cloak and she'd changed clothes, but her hair was barely contained. Sort of up, but with a long, loose-ish ponytail hanging down her back. Her face looked a little dirty or--was that a long, thin scratch below her left eye?

Spying her lucky cat friend, Kawauso veered in that direction. At a respectful distance she called out, "Bayushi-san, good morning," though she continued approaching on her slightly wobbly legs.
Lion Clan bushi * Spear master * Person of the river * Practical * Doesn't get out much
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Re: [D3 LM open]Traditions

Post by Bayushi Sasori » Sun Jun 13, 2021 3:22 pm

The familiar voice of the Lion girl made Sasori smile. When she turned to see the girl, she was appalled. She quickly frowned at the Akodo being in such state. She took a deep breath. Yosh Sasori chan smile again. "Good morning Akodo sama." She moved to her side. "Would you like my aid guiding you to a seat?"
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Re: [D3 LM open]Traditions

Post by Akodo Kawauso » Sun Jun 13, 2021 6:54 pm

The Lion frowns. "I don't believe that's necessary," Kawauso says, straightening just slightly to suggest that she's fine. There's the tiniest wobble of her head as she does so, however, which makes her frown again.

"If my lucky cat friend wishes, though, I would not resist." She shakes her head gently, like she's clearing it, and takes Sasori's arm similar to how she had the night before. There's less of a death grip today, more the gentle hold of a dear friend.
Lion Clan bushi * Spear master * Person of the river * Practical * Doesn't get out much
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Re: [D3 LM open]Traditions

Post by Bayushi Sasori » Sun Jun 13, 2021 7:15 pm

"Come on let this Maneki Neko show you the way." She smiled. Shino moved along side Sasori following her every move. "Have you met my friend Shino?" She points to the back cat. The two arrived at the nearby bench where she offers the Lion a seat. Shino hops on to the bench letting just enough space to fit the two girls quite close together.
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Akodo Kawauso
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Re: [D3 LM open]Traditions

Post by Akodo Kawauso » Sun Jun 13, 2021 8:25 pm

"Good morning, Shino-san," she says pleasantly to the cat as they move along. She doesn't groan as she sits down, or otherwise indicate that she's sore, but once seated there seems to be a relaxing deflation, like she was much more tense just walking than would be normal.

Without giving it any thought, the tall Lion had sat in the middle of the bench. She leaned back a little extra as she relaxed. She let her arms drop behind the back of the bench, giving a little stretch to her shoulders. As Shino seems to be sizing her up, Kawauso holds her hand up to let the cat sniff.
Lion Clan bushi * Spear master * Person of the river * Practical * Doesn't get out much
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Re: [D3 LM open]Traditions

Post by Bayushi Sasori » Sun Jun 13, 2021 8:40 pm

Sasori frowned at Shino. Shino lazily sniffed the hand and yawned. "Scoot Shino... let me sit." Shino jumped onto the Lion's lap. "Well I hope you enjoyed the party last night." Sasori started some small talk as they took a seat.
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Re: [D3 LM open]Traditions

Post by Akodo Kawauso » Mon Jun 14, 2021 6:49 am

At mention of the party, one hand comes immediately to Kawauso's face and she bends forward -- probably startling Shino -- looking somewhat like she was struck with something.

"Oh, Bayushi-san, I... I don't know what happened!" She shakes her head in wonder. "I was feeling sad about the party, then you appeared and I felt better, and then... I mean, you saw it. But I still don't understand it," she says, clearly still overwhelmed by the unexpected attention.
Lion Clan bushi * Spear master * Person of the river * Practical * Doesn't get out much
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Re: [D3 LM open]Traditions

Post by Bayushi Sasori » Mon Jun 14, 2021 10:34 am

"You are a pretty lady." Sasori as a matter of fact. "You might even get to chose who you will marry." Sasori lowered her head as a fan comes to her hand. "I on the other hand will probably have no such luxury." She started to stroke Shino. "I guess it is okay." She tried her best to pep up.
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Re: [D3 LM open]Traditions

Post by Akodo Kawauso » Mon Jun 14, 2021 5:00 pm

Kawauso looks at the other woman like she's grown a second head. It takes a few moments to get past her look of total disbelief and find words.

"Uh, no, Bayushi-san, you are mistaken," the Lion says shaking her head. A kind smile remains on her face as her eyes continue to show disbelief. "I... Never, ever have I been attended like last night. While I was wearing a mask, and the light was low," she reminds gently. "I am too tall, features too rough, hair..." Kawauso's hands gesture a little wildly, capturing that she doesn't even know where to start with what she's heard about her hair.

"You, on the other hand, have beautiful hair..." the Lion's hands gesture close to Sasori, though not touching. "Fine features..." Kawauso's hands close, as if she's cupping Sasori's cheeks, though not actually coming so close as to touch her. As her hands drift down into her lap, the tall woman sighs. "If there is anyone likely to be choosing such things, it's you." Kawauso's smile remains warm and genuine.
Lion Clan bushi * Spear master * Person of the river * Practical * Doesn't get out much
Status: 2.0 | Honor: What is expected | Glory: 2.3
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Re: [D3 LM open]Traditions

Post by Bayushi Sasori » Mon Jun 14, 2021 5:15 pm

Sasori chuckled lighty. "I am lord's Bayushi Maneki neko. He is the one to choose who am I to marry." She sighed. "You have inner beauty... Seem that people can see through your rustic exterior." The Scorpion girl shrugged. "You are a valuable asset to your clan. Remember I was basically ignored by the fox while you were talking to the other men."
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Re: [D3 LM open]Traditions

Post by Akodo Kawauso » Mon Jun 14, 2021 8:36 pm

Kawauso makes a face like an unhappy otter, even making a slightly squeaky rumble of displeasure.

"A fox mask clearly does not bring with it keen eyes," she says a little petulantly, and she reaches to put a hand on her friend's hand. "Bayushi-san has seen much more of me than some silly boys who can be drawn in by a simple carving and some dancing," she says seriously.

"Even though," Kawauso says, a mischievous smile taking over her face, "it was a pretty great mask, right?" She giggles, hoping it's not too soon for a joke.
Lion Clan bushi * Spear master * Person of the river * Practical * Doesn't get out much
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Re: [D3 LM open]Traditions

Post by Bayushi Sasori » Mon Jun 14, 2021 9:27 pm

"It was... and I wish I could have seen your face when I gave you the sake." Sasori giggled. "I knew that you would like that." The girl perked up. "I am happy you enjoyed that." She let Shino go since he was fussing around.

"I am good at reading people but not that good. My colleagues are better. I can try and be your lifesaver, nya." Sasori giggled.
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Re: [D3 LM open]Traditions

Post by Akodo Kawauso » Mon Jun 14, 2021 10:02 pm

"Just add it to the list of unexpected last night," Kawauso laughed as well. "But it was the right choice, even though I would have been quite happy with water," she says with a grin.

The Lion gives the Scorpion's hand a little squeeze. "The lifesaving is appreciated, but if this otter is to have such good fishing, her cat friend should feast too," Kawauso says with a giggle. "What kind of fish would be most preferred, hmm?" The Lion leans a little closer, not really getting into Sasori's space but giving a conspiratorial air to the conversation.
Lion Clan bushi * Spear master * Person of the river * Practical * Doesn't get out much
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Re: [D3 LM open]Traditions

Post by Bayushi Sasori » Mon Jun 14, 2021 10:19 pm

Sasori took out her fan and whispered. "That is for you to find out and for me to as well." She giggled putting down her fan. "Now seriously, a caring soul like my father. He is quite the impressive man." She looked to the horizon and sighed. "Compassionate with all the creatures yet he liked his liver raw..." She shook her head and chuckled at the memory.
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Re: [D3 LM open]Traditions

Post by Akodo Kawauso » Tue Jun 15, 2021 1:13 am

Kawauso giggles with her, not sure she understands the joke, but happy to be supportive. At mention of a caring father, the otter-spirited woman smiles as she would if her friend had said her father was a dragon or a flock of birds.

"Care for animals, of course," she encourages, latching onto an example she does understand. "And specific food tastes, or maybe that's less important?" she jokes with a smile.
Lion Clan bushi * Spear master * Person of the river * Practical * Doesn't get out much
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Re: [D3 LM open]Traditions

Post by Bayushi Sasori » Tue Jun 15, 2021 1:57 am

Sasori nodded. "I doubt food will be a problem. If you survive my mother's cooking then everything tastes like Lady Doji no Kami made it." She giggled. "What about? What kind of fish do you like?"
☆Scorpion ☆Courtier ☆Dangerous Beauty ☆Bland ☆Silent ☆Fan girl
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Re: [D3 LM open]Traditions

Post by Akodo Kawauso » Tue Jun 15, 2021 6:12 am

Kawauso giggles at the food joke and then freezes when asked about her preferred "fish." She looks down at her hands in her lap. Meep.

"Bleeh, um, I don't... I don't really have a... preferred fish..." The Lion woman says, obviously embarrassed. "I mean, it's not... I just..." She looks up at Sasori like she needs some lifesaving.
Lion Clan bushi * Spear master * Person of the river * Practical * Doesn't get out much
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Re: [D3 LM open]Traditions

Post by Bayushi Sasori » Tue Jun 15, 2021 9:52 am

"Oh come on..." She took her fan out to raise Kawauso's shin with it. "Do not self depreciate. You are a lovely young lady who can do anything. Remember that. If you do not wish to find your fish and just keep your shiny rock be merry that you have your shiny rock." Sasori smiled. "You are free to swim in your river and play all you want." Then the Bayushi chuckled. "At least give me a ride, I don't like getting my paws wet."
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Re: [D3 LM open]Traditions

Post by Akodo Kawauso » Tue Jun 15, 2021 3:46 pm

Kawauso smiles at her friend, nodding in affirmation, but by the end she's looking at her confused. "Are we still talking about..." she waves a hand awkwardly, voice filled with question. Her voice goes very soft as she says, "what an otter... likes to play with?" She raises an eyebrow, looking at the Scorpion curiously.
Lion Clan bushi * Spear master * Person of the river * Practical * Doesn't get out much
Status: 2.0 | Honor: What is expected | Glory: 2.3
Carries, in respectable places: rustic tunic and pants, daisho. Outdoors, adds: worn but well maintained woolen cloak and big damn spear.

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