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[D2 - EN] Looking At the Heavens (Open-ish)

Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2021 7:46 am
by Saru Yatsufusa
As a priest of the kami, Yatsu's duties had to deal with many things, not just offering prayers to the spirits and Fortunes, but also to know what would happen to the realms and adjust his vision and actions on many things accordingly.

That is why he decided to visit the Imperial gardens late at the night before going to sleep. He decided this place because it was easier than trying his luck again in the waterfall outside the town, it would be less of a pain to others, and because it was still connected to nature itself.

He brought his divination kit. It would had been good to also had a clear night sky, but in winter it would had been difficult to look at the stars. He was planning also in doing something more drastic but first he needed to clear all options.

He sat near the pond of the garden, much like he did yesterday when he met Yukika, the crane spirit in Chikushudo. He was wearing more clothing than it was normal for him in order to keep somewhat warm.

First he sat, with difficulty as always, and then made a small prayer to the fortunes. He then in a small mantle, started the process of divination with its sticks. Halving the piles, manipulating them in the way that the priests of old did it in order to look patterns.

He did all the process and then looked at the results.



Divination/Intelligence -18
*I put Void in the log, but my void and int are the same.

Re: [D2 - EN] Looking At the Heavens (Open-ish)

Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2021 8:03 am
by Canary
Interpreting the fall of the sticks reveals that an important message will be delivered soon.

Re: [D2 - EN] Looking At the Heavens (Open-ish)

Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2021 8:07 am
by Saru Yatsufusa
That was an interesting result. Yatsufusa wondered for a while. Well, it was not that rare if the Son of Heavens was going to proclaim something. Though perhaps it was something else.

Yatsufusa explored first more mundane ways trying to see if it was anything that he could know something about.



Lore: Omens/Intelligence - 22

trying to interpret if it is anything that he could know with regard of the results of divination

Re: [D2 - EN] Looking At the Heavens (Open-ish)

Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2021 9:46 am
by Canary
It is a message of great import for the Empire as a whole.

Re: [D2 - EN] Looking At the Heavens (Open-ish)

Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2021 8:31 pm
by Saru Yatsufusa
'' Hmmm...'' He could see that there will be an important announcement, though what could be or what would be was unknown to him. At least from this more 'mundane' type of divination. Yatsufusa thought for a moment.

'' Well, guess i will have to do it...'' He said aloud to himself. It was also a good chance to not get 'rusty'. Afterall he has not done his training in quite a while and not delving into his powers could be potentially dangerous, since being what he was needed constant awareness and training.

He cutted his hand with a small knife in order to make the connection possible and then relaxed. Crossing his arms and adopted a calm pose in the middle of the garden.

Inside his mind there was, nothing. Calm emptiness and his senses trancended his surroundings.The cold breeze, the freezing touch of the snow, all disappeared, all irrelevant in the grand scale of things.

The sound of a droplet of water echoed inside his mind.

He was there. The veil between reality had been broken as the first sing of connection was made. Yatsu, slowly opened his eyes, yet he looked dazed, like he was not 'here', like he was looking beyond into the universe.

A second droplet of water echoed inside his mind.

Now the dragon's senses returned to him, but the sensation was different from his normal state. He could feel eveything, he could see the snow around him as an extension of the element of water, the earth below him as a part of the mighty earth, although not visible, fire was all around him, hidden, as a potential energy ready to ignite, while he could see clearly the lines of wind flowing. He could also sense the connection of his own body to everything around him, he was just an extension of the elements, as the veil was pierced.

A third droplet of water echoed inside his mind.

He finally was reviving the feeling of everything. There was no such thing as individual matter in this world, all was connected. Everything was just an extension of the universe itself. He could feel it. Forward and Backwards became irrelevant to him in this state. Future, Present and past just an extension of his very being. There was nothing. There was everything.

There was void.

His connection was established. He could now use it to pierce the veil and discover what lies beyond the mask of the universe...



Casting Strengthen the Void, ML2, Soul of Study - 28|Pass [TN15]
*Gained free raise for Void spells for 5 rounds in a 20' area.

Casting Commune with the Void, ML2, Soul of Study, FR reducing TN - 17|Pass [TN10]
*Can 'ask' two questions to the Void.

6/10 Wounds - Healthy.

Re: [D2 - EN] Looking At the Heavens (Open-ish)

Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2021 8:48 pm
by Canary
The universe stretches out before him, full of answers should he only give indication of which direction to go.

Re: [D2 - EN] Looking At the Heavens (Open-ish)

Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2021 9:53 pm
by Saru Yatsufusa
In his mind Yatsufusa wondered about the entire universe. It was an overwhelming sensation that even with his experience, he would never truly become accustomed to.

He thought, delving into the all powerful void, and projected his wholeness into the nearest answer as he tries to navigate the void itself in order to see if his divination skills were in line of the realm of possibilities in the future destiny...



1) Want to ask the void about what does these announcements for the Empire as a whole, from my divination, mean.

Re: [D2 - EN] Looking At the Heavens (Open-ish)

Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2021 11:09 pm
by Canary
He finds himself rising above the Empire, rushing to Seppun Hill. As he arrives, lightning strikes the places where each Kami once arrived, bright sparks arising from each place except for Shiba's. Distantly, he hears thunder from the north and south and sees the same effect from those directions, despite the long distance.

Re: [D2 - EN] Looking At the Heavens (Open-ish)

Posted: Fri Jun 11, 2021 2:52 am
by Saru Yatsufusa
Noticing that his time delving into the void was about to end, Yatsufusa tries to 'float' in order to approach the place where the northern thunders could be hear.

For now he didn't understand what was happening and multiple theories floated inside his mind, but at least he wanted to see what the northern thunders meant, since it was in the direction of the Dragon lands.



'approaching' the northern thunder sounds to investigate what these thunder signs could mean. Last 'question' to the void.

Re: [D2 - EN] Looking At the Heavens (Open-ish)

Posted: Fri Jun 11, 2021 4:01 am
by Canary
Approaching and looking closer, the light seems to glow with shifting white, gray, and ocean blue. It was vague, but human-like in shape.

Then he's pulled back into himself, pulled away from the universal connection of the Void.

Re: [D2 - EN] Looking At the Heavens (Open-ish)

Posted: Fri Jun 11, 2021 5:24 pm
by Saru Yatsufusa
The spell ended as Yatsu was about to notice was all about. This, of course created more questions than answers, but he was not surprised. Understanding the void itself was not as straigth forward, always mysterious is to look at the very fabric of creation and existence.

Yatsufusa wondered what was all that about. It was clear that there was more to explore, yet he was a bit tired, and cold, now. Perhaps the spirits would know more about it, but, he felt that it was enough for this night. Tomorrow would be another day.

He picked his walking stick and with difficulty, stood up. He would meditate this information during his sleep.
