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Re: Player Event: Testing Spirits (Day 7, LE)

Posted: Mon Jun 28, 2021 2:55 pm
by Chai Kotsume
(OOC: Kotsu will likewise be in attendance, but I'll post fear rolls and a tale later! :D )

Re: Player Event: Testing Spirits (Day 7, LE)

Posted: Mon Jun 28, 2021 3:53 pm
by Jiyo Ayumu
Rei's story wore out Ayumu's resistance, and he felt himself shivering. Likely, because it reminded him of a tale far too real for that assembly: Years ago, a great number of people had almost drowned themselves in a Shadowlands swamp, pulled in by similar feelings.

As for the fictional tale he had to tell:

"Two friends were traveling at night. Rarely a good idea but sometimes life doesn't give you much of a choice.

In the darkness of a moonless night, with only a lantern to help them see where their feet landed and not much else, they were nonetheless reconsidering the series of choices that had led to this situation.

Suddenly, noise. Creaks, heavy steps. Something was approaching, from behind.

The friends step aside of the road and waited, unsure if they should brandish the lantern to see better, or on the contrary snuff it off to disappear in the night. After much hesitations, they choose to face danger with the light on rather than confronting the darkness.

A cart eventually showed up. A simple one, loaded with what appeared to be bags of rice or cereals, pulled by a single ox, driven by an old man dressed as the average farmer.

The most courageous of the two friends hailed the newcomer:

“Goodnight grandpa. What are you doing so late on the road?”
“The harvest does not wait son. I must deliver it before dawn.”
“You appear to be going in the same direction as us. Mind given us a lift?”
“Sure son, ride on.”

And so the two friends climbed on the cart, flanking the old man.

“You don't have a lantern grandpa?”
“My ox knows the way son. A light would only attract unwanted attention.”
“Do you mind if we keep ours lighted?”
“There's nothing to fear of the dark boys, but do as you wish.”

And so the light stayed on.

“You're not curious about who we are or why we need to travel at night ourselves grandpa?”
“I couldn't care less son. I'm not here to ask questions, just to do my job.”

And so silence set up for a moment on the cart, before curiosity got the better of one of the two friends once again.

“But aren't you afraid? We could very much have been bandits.”
“Had you been, I would have given you a lift regardless. I don't discriminate.”
“But bandits on this road are notoriously bloodthirsty! We almost got killed in an ambush a few hours ago.”
“I'm afraid you're half wrong about that son.”

Before the friends could inquire about that enigmatic answer, the road suddenly branched in two and the cart stopped.

“I'm taking the right path boys.”
“And us the left one. It's goodbye then I guess.”
“For you yes. Your friend stays however.”

The traveler lifted an eyebrow, doubly so as their friend didn't react to the old man statement in any way.

“What I said boy. You got lucky tonight, you get to keep going on. Your friend though, he's part of tonight's harvest.”

The friend simply nodded, the arrow going through their throat bobbing at the same time as their head."

Ayumu went to blow the candle, and he let out a mangled prayer as the smoke took for one instant the form of one of the people he had himself let go on the cart of death.


D7LE | Testing Spirits | Fear (TN17?): 3d10o10k3+4 10 -> Fail

Re: Player Event: Testing Spirits (Day 7, LE)

Posted: Mon Jun 28, 2021 4:00 pm
by Otomo Gusai
Gusai notes Ayumu's reactions, nods in sympathy. He's seen things, too, he thinks. But he stays strong.

Fear check (TN 17?) passed at 19,
Ayumu's story was posted before others who'd given themselves placeholders.

Re: Player Event: Testing Spirits (Day 7, LE)

Posted: Mon Jun 28, 2021 4:05 pm
by Togashi Satsuki
Satsuki covered her mouth, feeling quite shaken from Ayumu's story. And the lights growing ever dimmer.



D7 LE Willpower against Ayumu's story: 3d10o10 8

Re: Player Event: Testing Spirits (Day 7, LE)

Posted: Mon Jun 28, 2021 4:11 pm
by Ryoshun Rei
Rei stepped back with a gasp as if she had seen an apparition herself.

- - -
Player Event: Testing Spirits (Day 7, LE), Fear TN 17: 3d10o10 11

Re: Player Event: Testing Spirits (Day 7, LE)

Posted: Mon Jun 28, 2021 4:12 pm
by Bayushi Sasori
Otomo Gusai wrote:
Mon Jun 28, 2021 4:00 pm
Gusai notes Ayumu's reactions, nods in sympathy. He's seen things, too, he thinks. But he stays strong.

Fear check (TN 17?) passed at 19,
Ayumu's story was posted before others who'd given themselves placeholders.
Gusai would note that Sasori moved closer to the Stag holding tight to his arm. "Nya!" He would note her trembling

//D7 LE Ghost stories fear TN 17?: 3d10o10k3 7

Re: Player Event: Testing Spirits (Day 7, LE)

Posted: Mon Jun 28, 2021 4:13 pm
by Otomo Gusai
Bayushi Sasori wrote:
Mon Jun 28, 2021 4:12 pm
Gusai would note that Sasori moved closer to the Stag holding tight to his arm. "Nya!" He would note her trembling

//D7 LE Ghost stories fear TN 17?: 3d10o10k3 7
Gusai leans into it, reaching across to pat her hand.

Seems to be getting to several people, he thinks.

Re: Player Event: Testing Spirits (Day 7, LE)

Posted: Mon Jun 28, 2021 4:21 pm
by Togashi Satsuki
Ryoshun Rei wrote:
Mon Jun 28, 2021 4:11 pm
Rei stepped back with a gasp as if she had seen an apparition herself.

- - -
Player Event: Testing Spirits (Day 7, LE), Fear TN 17: 3d10o10 11
Safety in numbers!

Following her cousin, Satsuki took a hold of Rei's hand. As much for her own comfort as it might be for Rei.

"I-I-I'm not that scared. Nothing worse than... I'm sure there's something worse yes." She smiled sheepishly. "... I'll continue if you do."

Re: Player Event: Testing Spirits (Day 7, LE)

Posted: Mon Jun 28, 2021 4:26 pm
by Ryoshun Rei
"It's okay, Tsuki-chan." she said softly and squeezed her cousin's hand. "The stories won't hurt us, scary as they are. They'll make us stronger."

Re: Player Event: Testing Spirits (Day 7, LE)

Posted: Mon Jun 28, 2021 5:55 pm
by Togashi Satsuki
"Stronger huh? But you're right Rei-Rei. They can't hurt us." She too tightened her grip a little on Rei's hand for comfort.

"Let's rejoin the others yes? Don't want Hen to be worried for us."

Re: Player Event: Testing Spirits (Day 7, LE)

Posted: Mon Jun 28, 2021 7:51 pm
by Jiyo Sora
Sora weathered Ayumu's storm well enough.

But then again, the man had literally been to Jigoku.

Re: Player Event: Testing Spirits (Day 7, LE)

Posted: Mon Jun 28, 2021 8:57 pm
by Isawa Kyosei
Kyosei similarly seems unaffected.


Fear against Ayumu's Story: 34?!?

Re: Player Event: Testing Spirits (Day 7, LE)

Posted: Sun Jul 04, 2021 1:14 am
by Ryoshun Rei
As the last of the candles is extinguished by Jiyo Ayumu, and after recovering her composure, Rei presented the Imperial with a bundle of scrolls.

"This is a sampling of some of the kaidan the Bat have collected. Thank you for completing tonight's ceremony." she bowed respectfully.

"Thank you all for participating." she addressed the remainder of the group. "I have a scroll for each of you as well."

Re: Player Event: Testing Spirits (Day 7, LE)

Posted: Sun Jul 04, 2021 3:24 pm
by Otomo Gusai
Gusai nods from where he sits, Sasori still holding to him.

Re: Player Event: Testing Spirits (Day 7, LE)

Posted: Sun Jul 04, 2021 9:38 pm
by Jiyo Sora
"Thank you for hosting this event, Ryoshun-san."

Sora chuckled.

"Does an old man good to get the blood pumping again, hm?"

Re: Player Event: Testing Spirits (Day 7, LE)

Posted: Mon Jul 05, 2021 12:52 am
by Ryoshun Rei
"It's good for all of us." she nodded. "I'll make sure the libraries receive a collection of stories as well."

Re: Player Event: Testing Spirits (Day 7, LE)

Posted: Mon Jul 05, 2021 1:12 am
by Jiyo Sora
"Better that than relying on my memory, that much is certain!"

Re: Player Event: Testing Spirits (Day 7, LE)

Posted: Mon Jul 05, 2021 1:25 am
by Ryoshun Rei
"Would you like some scrolls for the children?" she asked.

Re: Player Event: Testing Spirits (Day 7, LE)

Posted: Mon Jul 05, 2021 1:29 am
by Jiyo Sora
His eyebrows went up.

"Absolutely! The more practice they get facing fear in safety, the less the sensation will rattle them in a genuine crisis."

He bowed low.

"If you would like, we could do the Crane dance of refusals, but etiquette has never been my strong point."

Re: Player Event: Testing Spirits (Day 7, LE)

Posted: Mon Jul 05, 2021 1:44 am
by Ryoshun Rei
"These stories are not gifts." she shook her head. "They are lessons. Passing them to others is a tradition in itself."