[D3, LA, expecting] Free the mind

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Akodo Kawauso
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Re: [D3, LA, expecting] Free the mind

Post by Akodo Kawauso » Tue Jun 15, 2021 7:54 pm

The Lion's eyes widen at Misaki's predatory look, but she doesn't flinch. "Eee... Yes? I suppose," she says tentatively. "What, um, things would you test on me?" Her skeptical otter eyes have returned. She realizes she's still standing pretty close to the other woman, though with the wind that's somewhat necessary.
Lion Clan bushi * Spear master * Person of the river * Practical * Doesn't get out much
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Doji Misaki
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Re: [D3, LA, expecting] Free the mind

Post by Doji Misaki » Tue Jun 15, 2021 8:05 pm

"Nothing too bad; It's just nice to have someone to give feedback, try things out, test things... I can try things out myself, of course, but that does very little to get an opinion of someone who knows nothing about the thing, an outside view. A puzzle or the use for something could be very obvious to the person who made it, but not so much to someone who knows nothing about it."

Misaki put the earmuffs partially on, "Not to mention just the chance to have someone try things on with different body proportions and a different build and such for comfort and so forth, like with this ear muffler."
Crane Clan ✿ Architect ✿ Engineer ✿ Gardener ✿ Pure White Flower ✿ Pious
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Akodo Kawauso
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Re: [D3, LA, expecting] Free the mind

Post by Akodo Kawauso » Wed Jun 16, 2021 12:31 am

The Lion smiles a little, then nods. "I'm, ah, happy to help, Doji-san."

Kawauso thinks for a moment. "Do you come up with new things... often? I guess not that often, if you're usually working on... infrastructure," she says, saying the word very intentionally, like it's not a familiar one to her.
Lion Clan bushi * Spear master * Person of the river * Practical * Doesn't get out much
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Re: [D3, LA, expecting] Free the mind

Post by Doji Misaki » Wed Jun 16, 2021 2:11 am

"One or two things a month, more or less, depending on inspiration. I brought a dozen inventions with me to the wedding and court here. Wasn't expecting to find the inspiration for something new like these so soon too."
Crane Clan ✿ Architect ✿ Engineer ✿ Gardener ✿ Pure White Flower ✿ Pious
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Re: [D3, LA, expecting] Free the mind

Post by Akodo Kawauso » Wed Jun 16, 2021 3:32 am

"Wha... Every month? And a dozen just with you here?" Kawauso's curiosity makes her eyes wide in wonder, and the nervousness she had been holding onto drifts away as she starts trying to think of what these things could be.

"You'll, show them to me?" The Lion says, being a bit forward as she literally steps forward and raises her hand a little. "I mean, if you want to. It sounds very interesting. I mean, I try to... You know, a little improvement here or there, but not..." She manages to convey shyness as well as intense interest in talking about designing things.
Lion Clan bushi * Spear master * Person of the river * Practical * Doesn't get out much
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Re: [D3, LA, expecting] Free the mind

Post by Doji Misaki » Wed Jun 16, 2021 3:49 am

"Ah, well..."

Misaki seemed to calm and become more considerate.

"Some of them, I should think. Some of them are rather specialized or not very exciting you see. Still, I don't see why not, if you're really interested."
Crane Clan ✿ Architect ✿ Engineer ✿ Gardener ✿ Pure White Flower ✿ Pious
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Re: [D3, LA, expecting] Free the mind

Post by Akodo Kawauso » Wed Jun 16, 2021 4:51 am

Kawauso looked a little crestfallen at the change in tone. She had gotten used to the inventor being talkative, and the Lion worried she'd somehow broken something.

"Well, I really am," she says honestly, showing flickers of excitement. "But, you know... they're your things. You don't... you don't need to show me," she says, slowly deflating into a mopey shrug. "I mean, I'm not an inventor like you. I just... you know..." She pulled her cloak a little tighter around her as she looked at the ground.
Lion Clan bushi * Spear master * Person of the river * Practical * Doesn't get out much
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Re: [D3, LA, expecting] Free the mind

Post by Doji Misaki » Wed Jun 16, 2021 5:04 am

Misaki looked at the taller woman, a small smile slowly forming, "...I understand. I will show you all of them, and take time to explain them, if you'd like. Some of them are simple farm implements or crafting tools, but we can always move on if you grow bored."
Crane Clan ✿ Architect ✿ Engineer ✿ Gardener ✿ Pure White Flower ✿ Pious
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Akodo Kawauso
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Re: [D3, LA, expecting] Free the mind

Post by Akodo Kawauso » Wed Jun 16, 2021 6:27 am

The Lion perks up, smiling in satisfaction. "Of course, I can say that. But I won't. Won't get bored I mean. It'll be fascinating," Kawauso says warmly.

The Lion looks around as the wind continues to make nuisance of itself. "I think, Doji-san, I have spent enough time outside for today. I was out early with a hunting party so I think there's no shame in seeking at the very least more shelter from the wind. If you have completed your testing of the ear muffs?"
Lion Clan bushi * Spear master * Person of the river * Practical * Doesn't get out much
Status: 2.0 | Honor: What is expected | Glory: 2.3
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Re: [D3, LA, expecting] Free the mind

Post by Doji Misaki » Wed Jun 16, 2021 7:23 am

"I certainly have, at least until I make the refinements I was talking about earlier. For now, shelter would definitely be nice. This might not be the most ladylike thing to say, but I fear my nose is starting to get clogged with it being so cold, so I should get inside before I catch something."

The shorter woman briefly touched a finger to her chilly nose and rubbed it gently to warm it.
Crane Clan ✿ Architect ✿ Engineer ✿ Gardener ✿ Pure White Flower ✿ Pious
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Akodo Kawauso
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Re: [D3, LA, expecting] Free the mind

Post by Akodo Kawauso » Wed Jun 16, 2021 3:11 pm

Kawauso giggles. "Being ladylike won't keep you warm," she jokes, moving to give the smaller woman a little shelter from the wind with her taller frame. "Let's get both of us warmed up."

The image, as they head indoors, is a bit like a sheepdog shepherding a child, as Kawauso stays close to the Crane but slightly behind, keeping more bushi against the cold than inventor.

Lion Clan bushi * Spear master * Person of the river * Practical * Doesn't get out much
Status: 2.0 | Honor: What is expected | Glory: 2.3
Carries, in respectable places: rustic tunic and pants, daisho. Outdoors, adds: worn but well maintained woolen cloak and big damn spear.

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Doji Misaki
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Re: [D3, LA, expecting] Free the mind

Post by Doji Misaki » Wed Jun 16, 2021 11:38 pm


/thank you!
Crane Clan ✿ Architect ✿ Engineer ✿ Gardener ✿ Pure White Flower ✿ Pious
Glory: 2 | Status: 1 | Honor: A Soul Above Question
Often carrying: plain but immaculately kept priestess' clothes
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