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Re: [D6, EA] Imperial Court, Part 3

Posted: Fri Jun 25, 2021 11:40 am
by Jiyo Sora
Hantei Genji wrote:
Fri Jun 25, 2021 11:36 am
"Ah. Beat them up and take their stuff?" He asked with a smirk, before turning serious. "Any specific frictions that you are aware besides the usual?" He eyed the Crab delegation. "I know from our end we are trying to make friends, instead of foes."
"Let us say potential frictions which may be exacerbated as the distance between clans which have developed their own identities shrinks. As alliances make efforts to add members, it inevitably leads those outside of those alliances wondering... just what they're allied against. And then forming their own in response. I trust you see the potential difficulty?"

Re: [D6, EA] Imperial Court, Part 3

Posted: Fri Jun 25, 2021 12:04 pm
by Hantei Genji
Jiyo Sora wrote:
Fri Jun 25, 2021 11:40 am

"Let us say potential frictions which may be exacerbated as the distance between clans which have developed their own identities shrinks. As alliances make efforts to add members, it inevitably leads those outside of those alliances wondering... just what they're allied against. And then forming their own in response. I trust you see the potential difficulty?"
"Well, it's always against those other people." His smile didn't have his heart in it. "I see what you mean Jiyo-san." He raised an eyebrow. "Do you have any ideas how to counter this?"

Re: [D6, EA] Imperial Court, Part 3

Posted: Fri Jun 25, 2021 12:08 pm
by Nozomi
Isawa Kyosei wrote:
Fri Jun 25, 2021 4:45 am
Kyosei moves away from the wall, and approaches the monk (nun?), and gives a small bow.
Seeing the Isawa approach, Nozomi bowed to him and gestured to Kuu and Mayumi. Her daughter bowed appropriately as well and she rose after a moment. "Ah, Isawa-sama. Good to see you this morning. You've met Kuu I presume? Is there anything that I or the Order can help you with today?"

Re: [D6, EA] Imperial Court, Part 3

Posted: Fri Jun 25, 2021 12:29 pm
by Jiyo Sora
Hantei Genji wrote:
Fri Jun 25, 2021 12:04 pm
"Well, it's always against those other people." His smile didn't have his heart in it. "I see what you mean Jiyo-san." He raised an eyebrow. "Do you have any ideas how to counter this?"
"Oh, plenty, but they're mostly bad ideas. I specialize in bad ideas, in fact. But it occurs to me, Hantei-san... that you don't. Not yet, anyway. So."

He adjusted his posture slightly.

"Rather than an idea, let me begin with an example. Your divine father and I don't agree on a hell of a lot. In fact, had he become Emperor, I probably would have left the lands we now call Rokugan. I say this not to insult your family, but to impress that there are very real differences in worldview. Perhaps, some would say, insurmountable. And yet... We surmounted them."

Sora half-smiled.

"Your father was the first of the Kami I mentioned the Imperial Libraries to, and the first to see value in it. To agree to contribute. Because he and I were both able to recognize that an important goal. Your father also went with us to rescue Hisomu. We needed him, He needed us. And thus, we have adapted. I doubt I will ever regard him a friend, and I would never presume to assume any regard for me on his part, but we are and have been allies. So."

A shrug.

"I would suggest trying for meaningful exchanges with those who don't seem to be your natural allies among the other Clans. Reach out to all of them. Even the ones that seem completely alien to the culture of your own. Especially those. Because ties forged now, while the family bonds are strong, will be groundwork for the future."

Re: [D6, EA] Imperial Court, Part 3

Posted: Fri Jun 25, 2021 2:01 pm
by Isawa Kyosei
Nozomi wrote:
Fri Jun 25, 2021 12:08 pm

Seeing the Isawa approach, Nozomi bowed to him and gestured to Kuu and Mayumi. Her daughter bowed appropriately as well and she rose after a moment. "Ah, Isawa-sama. Good to see you this morning. You've met Kuu I presume? Is there anything that I or the Order can help you with today?"
"Actually, there is. I attempted to teach a young one with a gift - all the spirits agree she has a gift, but not what it is. But, after a little teaching, she seems more inclined to something monastic than that of the path of the spirit speaker. So, I said I would speak to you, see if you would look into teaching her, or getting her a teacher."

"Ah, and, no, I have not had the pleasure of meeting Kuu-san. Hello, I am Kyosei, of the Isawa."

Re: [D6, EA] Imperial Court, Part 3

Posted: Fri Jun 25, 2021 2:02 pm
by Chai Kotsume
Shiba wrote:
Fri Jun 25, 2021 1:21 am
Akodo Kawauso wrote:
Thu Jun 24, 2021 6:37 pm
Shiba nodded. "Certainly, Chai-san. What brings you before me?"
Her head still low, she reaches towards her obi and produced a letter, then raising her head slightly she nods towards Kawauso beside her.

"Tenno-heika... the reason I was sent to the capital was to bring word of this letter of Chaihime-ue, sent with lady Shinjo no Kami's blessing, to your attention and divine wisdom. The letter deals with increased criminal activities along the Daikawa - eh... the Great Western River - and its surroundings, and it brings some requests to deal with the matter. I may read it to you if you'll allow it."

She then bows her head, then nods towards Kawauso again. "Tenno-heika... as you may perhaps know, the people from the Daikawa tribe, the original people from the Great River, have been split between my clan, the Ki-rin, and my sister's clan, the Lion. And... when I had the joyful opportunity to talk to onee-san here at the capital, I've found out she's been sent to the Imperial Capital for a quite similar reason. It turns out both clans have been dealing with similar issues on both banks of the Great River."

She bows low to the Emperor again.

"Given that... we've thought that a joint, shared and cooperative effort by the Ki-rin and Lion along the Great River might be a better way to deal with the growing criminality in the area than independent action by each of our clans." She raises her eyes slightly at Kawauso, then close to, but not quite at Shiba, before lowering her head again. "Also...this might be a chance to strengthen bonds between our clans... and... weave together ties that had been broken."

Her head still down, the signals of emotion that run through her face are mostly hidden... or at least she thinks so.

But for those observing it, it's clear the emotion has affected her voice quite a bit while she spoke...

D6 EA - Fluffy Courtier...: 5d10o10k3 12 - Srsly orokos?...

Re: [D6, EA] Imperial Court, Part 3

Posted: Fri Jun 25, 2021 2:05 pm
by Otomo Gusai
Gusai watches Kotsume's presentation.

Ah, he thinks. That'd be why Kawauso reacted the way she did.

Re: [D6, EA] Imperial Court, Part 3

Posted: Fri Jun 25, 2021 2:23 pm
by Ryoshun Rei
Rei had been sitting to the side of the hall, observing quietly. She had barely moved and it was likely that few had realized she was there. Hearing Kotsume's request, however, she stood and stepped closer.

Re: [D6, EA] Imperial Court, Part 3

Posted: Fri Jun 25, 2021 2:32 pm
by Makime Ayano
Ayano sighed to herself and moved back to the dias. She walked right up to stand beside the two, not to speak but publicly add her support to their proposal through proximity.

Re: [D6, EA] Imperial Court, Part 3

Posted: Fri Jun 25, 2021 2:39 pm
by Shiba
Chai Kotsume wrote:
Fri Jun 25, 2021 2:02 pm
He considered, noting the additional support, then nodded. "I would like to know more of the details once they are sorted out, but I see no reason you should not be able to move forward with such an agreement."

Re: [D6, EA] Imperial Court, Part 3

Posted: Fri Jun 25, 2021 3:15 pm
by Bayushi Sasori
Ah... mother had told me about the tribes being split... Interesting dilemma presented.

Re: [D6, EA] Imperial Court, Part 3

Posted: Fri Jun 25, 2021 3:21 pm
by Hantei Genji
Jiyo Sora wrote:
Fri Jun 25, 2021 12:29 pm

"Oh, plenty, but they're mostly bad ideas. I specialize in bad ideas, in fact. But it occurs to me, Hantei-san... that you don't. Not yet, anyway. So."

He adjusted his posture slightly.

"Rather than an idea, let me begin with an example. Your divine father and I don't agree on a hell of a lot. In fact, had he become Emperor, I probably would have left the lands we now call Rokugan. I say this not to insult your family, but to impress that there are very real differences in worldview. Perhaps, some would say, insurmountable. And yet... We surmounted them."

Sora half-smiled.

"Your father was the first of the Kami I mentioned the Imperial Libraries to, and the first to see value in it. To agree to contribute. Because he and I were both able to recognize that an important goal. Your father also went with us to rescue Hisomu. We needed him, He needed us. And thus, we have adapted. I doubt I will ever regard him a friend, and I would never presume to assume any regard for me on his part, but we are and have been allies. So."

A shrug.

"I would suggest trying for meaningful exchanges with those who don't seem to be your natural allies among the other Clans. Reach out to all of them. Even the ones that seem completely alien to the culture of your own. Especially those. Because ties forged now, while the family bonds are strong, will be groundwork for the future."
"Sometimes a bad idea is a great idea. Or the only idea." He shrugged. "That is something that can be easy to overlook. We are a big Empire now, not everyone can be friends." He pondered for a moment. "Then again, I would not describe father as someone who has a variety of friends."

His eyes circled around the room. "speaking of which, perhaps we should discuss how the Imperial Families and the Stag might work together better."

Re: [D6, EA] Imperial Court, Part 3

Posted: Fri Jun 25, 2021 3:44 pm
by Nozomi
Hmmm, not the topic she'd expected, but an important one. She simply nodded when she heard the Emperor put the matter to future consideration. It certainly didn't sound like a bad arrangement to support. But for the moment, the Isawa was speaking.
Isawa Kyosei wrote:
Fri Jun 25, 2021 2:01 pm
"Actually, there is. I attempted to teach a young one with a gift - all the spirits agree she has a gift, but not what it is. But, after a little teaching, she seems more inclined to something monastic than that of the path of the spirit speaker. So, I said I would speak to you, see if you would look into teaching her, or getting her a teacher."

"Ah, and, no, I have not had the pleasure of meeting Kuu-san. Hello, I am Kyosei, of the Isawa."
She smiled a little, her head tilting. "Is that so? Well, I think we can look into the potential of the youngling without question. And, in doing this we can help to find her the kind of training that will help her blossom one way or another. Some seem to be more suited to the approach that the orders and the Saru take than the methods of a shugenja." She reached up and tapped her lips. "May I ask who this is?"

Re: [D6, EA] Imperial Court, Part 3

Posted: Fri Jun 25, 2021 4:46 pm
by Akodo Kawauso
Shiba wrote:
Fri Jun 25, 2021 2:39 pm
Chai Kotsume wrote:
Fri Jun 25, 2021 2:02 pm
He considered, noting the additional support, then nodded. "I would like to know more of the details once they are sorted out, but I see no reason you should not be able to move forward with such an agreement."
"Son of Heaven, may I, Akodo Kawauso, expand upon my kind sister's words?" Kawauso speaks up, though remaining bowed deep until allowed to proceed.

"On behalf of our honored father, Akodo Bantaro, right hand of Lord Akodo in the lands of the Great River, I have been sent to the glorious capital to ask sanction for greater response to river raiders. These raiders currently harass the Emperor's subjects on both sides of the Great River, and though we have made gains in pacifying them since the arrival of the great kami, their organization and intensity have also increased as we have grown more prosperous.

"I believe we need four things," the tall Lion says, licking her lips that have dried in nervousness. "Established posts on both sides of the river, staffed jointly by the clans, to give warning of and discourage raider activity near as many villages as possible. Joint river patrols to support the work of the posts. Agreed terms for the pursuit of raiders from the territory of one clan to the other, for urgent situations when a joint response would take too long to organize. Finally, increased trade along the river, both for the betterment of life for the river people and to support the costs the clans will incur to ensure security against raiders." Kawauso stifles a little sigh of exhaustion, the nervousness at addressing the emperor having made it doubly hard to remember her remarks in a respectable fashion.

The Lion bows deeply again. "This is the program that we humbly ask that the Son of Heaven give sanction to." She does not straighten until given leave to do so.

Re: [D6, EA] Imperial Court, Part 3

Posted: Fri Jun 25, 2021 4:53 pm
by Otomo Gusai
Sounds good, Gusai thinks, and in line with what I want to see.

So he steps forward, signalling his support in the same way Ayano had.

Whether it will be enough or will make any damned difference at all is not his to say. But such message as he can send, he does.

Re: [D6, EA] Imperial Court, Part 3

Posted: Fri Jun 25, 2021 5:12 pm
by Yuzuru
Chai Kotsume wrote:
Fri Jun 25, 2021 2:02 pm
Shiba wrote:
Fri Jun 25, 2021 2:39 pm
He considered, noting the additional support, then nodded. "I would like to know more of the details once they are sorted out, but I see no reason you should not be able to move forward with such an agreement."
The Imperial Consort stirred on hearing Kotsume's plea.

"A moment of your time before you withdraw, Chai-san."

Re: [D6, EA] Imperial Court, Part 3

Posted: Fri Jun 25, 2021 6:02 pm
by Kuu
Nozomi wrote:
Fri Jun 25, 2021 3:44 pm
Isawa Kyosei wrote:
Fri Jun 25, 2021 2:01 pm
Kuu listened to the Unicorns proposal and wondered why it wasn't a joint presentation for a joint operation. Not really his concern though. It was at least good news that would benefit the workers in that area.

About teaching someone, Kuu just let Nozomi handle it. Kuu knew enough to be a teacher at this point, but it wasn't his place to judge who should be taught by who.

Re: [D6, EA] Imperial Court, Part 3

Posted: Fri Jun 25, 2021 6:13 pm
by Chai Kotsume
Yuzuru wrote:
Fri Jun 25, 2021 5:12 pm
The Imperial Consort stirred on hearing Kotsume's plea.

"A moment of your time before you withdraw, Chai-san."
Her head still down after hearing her sister's words, and waiting for another answer by the Emperor or his release of them to address other concerns, she hears the Consort's voice and turns her still bowed head towards him, the river on her eyes now drying up somewhat, although it still meanders through the smile on her face.

"Please, Yuzuru-heika!", she says with a kind, warm voice. It is clear that after her previous interaction with the man, she had for him not only the respect expected of her, but actual, sincere appreciation.

Re: [D6, EA] Imperial Court, Part 3

Posted: Fri Jun 25, 2021 6:53 pm
by Yuzuru
"My Wardens have informed me that you and several others present at this court attempted visit out ursine visitor yesterday. You should know I would have the bear undisturbed until it returns to it's expected behaviour, or might you have some insight into why it is behaving so unnaturally?"

He tilted his head.

"Are any of the others that visited present today that might shed light on things?"

Re: [D6, EA] Imperial Court, Part 3

Posted: Fri Jun 25, 2021 7:00 pm
by Nozomi
Nozomi's eyes turned towards Yuzuru and she waited in case she was called. She had a sour look on her face that formed while she waited for the Isawa to answer. That entire affair had left a bad taste in her mouth. She'd wanted to speak with the unicorn and lion, and had ended up witnessing that Bayushi brazenly attempting to manipulate one of the guards. The less she had to do with that further conversation, the better.