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Re: [D1, LE] The Wedding Reception (Open, Event)

Posted: Mon Jun 07, 2021 4:12 pm
by Hisomu Fumi
Doji Hikaru wrote:
Mon Jun 07, 2021 2:32 pm

Hikaru nodded evenly. "It is much the same as those found in Crane lands. Lady Doji's influence on courtly weddings can surely be felt, even in the Imperial Court." His smile managed to avoid being smug, if only just

His chin tilted up proudly. "I have the honor of serving Lady Doji as one of her retainers. Or, at least, I do in normal times. Unfortunately, circumstances prevented her from attending this wedding." A slight crease on his forehead. "I am assisting the rest of the Crane, instead."
"It's quite beautiful. A lot of attention was paid to the serving of guests and all the arrangements." Fumi admitted softly. "If ever I marry, I would like to see ikebana as I saw over on the table and to make sure my guests enjoy themselves." She sounded a tad wistful. "Nothing this elaborate, I am just a simple researcher of medicine. Just something pretty."

"An appointment with Lady Doji, herself, eh? That sounds like quite the honor. At least you are representing the clan as a whole. I do hope nothing has befallen the lady?"

Re: [D1, LE] The Wedding Reception (Open, Event)

Posted: Mon Jun 07, 2021 4:20 pm
by Doji Hikaru
Hisomu Fumi wrote:
Mon Jun 07, 2021 4:12 pm
"It's quite beautiful. A lot of attention was paid to the serving of guests and all the arrangements." Fumi admitted softly. "If ever I marry, I would like to see ikebana as I saw over on the table and to make sure my guests enjoy themselves." She sounded a tad wistful. "Nothing this elaborate, I am just a simple researcher of medicine. Just something pretty."

"An appointment with Lady Doji, herself, eh? That sounds like quite the honor. At least you are representing the clan as a whole. I do hope nothing has befallen the lady?"
The crease on Hikaru's forehead deepened. "I am sure it is nothing." He said, jaw just the slightest bit tight.

He took a deep breath. Then looked at Fumi, his expression thoughtful. "You study medicine. Would you tell me more about that?"

Re: [D1, LE] The Wedding Reception (Open, Event)

Posted: Mon Jun 07, 2021 4:21 pm
by Akodo Kawauso
After she'd presented her gift, Kawauso had lurked towards the fringes of the gathering, nibbling at food and having a bit to drink, trying to not gain too much notice now that her duty as an emissary was done. In truth, she felt pretty exhausted from all the rules and expectations of this settling, but despite a couple of hairs out of place and a bit of a drawn face, she still looked enough like a cocky warrior to discourage too much direct attention.

Seeing her clanswoman start to approach the honored couple, Kawauso wonders if she should do the same. Unfortunately, the distraction is enough that she almost sidesteps right into
Reiko Machiko wrote:
Mon Jun 07, 2021 8:48 am
Gifting all done, Machiko walked around idly carrying a small plate of the food on offer. More watching people, but certainly not looking unapproachable.

(pm please - open to interaction, feel free to approach!)

Re: [D1, LE] The Wedding Reception (Open, Event)

Posted: Mon Jun 07, 2021 4:25 pm
by Doji Misaki
Doji Tsubaki wrote:
Mon Jun 07, 2021 11:17 am
Tsubaki flows through the reception like a fish through water - making the rounds and ensuring that she had acknowledged all the right people. Stopping here and there to make the necessary small talk to maintain her web of connections. In her wake her two Blossoms, Ni and San, trail behind doing their best to absorb the lessons on display... and to not raise the ire of their mother.

The Crane's outfit was not her most ostentatious, it would be uncouth to be flashy on someone else's big occasion... at least if they were allies, but it was still exquisite and elegant in soft blues and whites.

(Quote or PM if approaching)
Spotting a fellow Doji, Misaki made her way over after her underwhelming gifting presentation, bowing to the senior delegate, "Good evening, Doji-sama. And company."

The ascetic former priestess gave a smaller bow of her head to the two trailing before turning back to Tsubaki, "This one is Doji Misaki, of Doji Kakuro-sama's engineering school. I trust your day has been a satisfactory one?"

Re: [D1, LE] The Wedding Reception (Open, Event)

Posted: Mon Jun 07, 2021 4:26 pm
by Reiko Machiko
Akodo Kawauso wrote:
Mon Jun 07, 2021 4:21 pm
After she'd presented her gift, Kawauso had lurked towards the fringes of the gathering, nibbling at food and having a bit to drink, trying to not gain too much notice now that her duty as an emissary was done. In truth, she felt pretty exhausted from all the rules and expectations of this settling, but despite a couple of hairs out of place and a bit of a drawn face, she still looked enough like a cocky warrior to discourage too much direct attention.

Seeing her clanswoman start to approach the honored couple, Kawauso wonders if she should do the same. Unfortunately, the distraction is enough that she almost sidesteps right into
Reiko Machiko wrote:
Mon Jun 07, 2021 8:48 am
Gifting all done, Machiko walked around idly carrying a small plate of the food on offer. More watching people, but certainly not looking unapproachable.

(pm please - open to interaction, feel free to approach!)
Machiko sadly wasn't the most perceptive, and her shoulder gets caught by the distracted Lion. She managed not to drop her food but there was a frown.

"Hey, I get that I'm not the tallest but surely I'm not that small" she commented to the woman "wasn't even trying to keep quiet this time either. Do you have eyesight issues?"

Re: [D1, LE] The Wedding Reception (Open, Event)

Posted: Mon Jun 07, 2021 4:28 pm
by Hisomu Fumi
Doji Hikaru wrote:
Mon Jun 07, 2021 4:20 pm
The crease on Hikaru's forehead deepened. "I am sure it is nothing." He said, jaw just the slightest bit tight.

He took a deep breath. Then looked at Fumi, his expression thoughtful. "You study medicine. Would you tell me more about that?"
"Yes, I am currently studying how certain wounds have been treated and prioritized on the battlefield. Perhaps, by being able to assess them faster and more accurately, we can save more lives and prevent more permanent wounds. Some places cause the kami to not hear priests' call. Certain injuries prove fatal faster where even the smallest fraction of time counts." She frowned, "I am not sure this is pleasant talk for such a beautiful location."

Re: [D1, LE] The Wedding Reception (Open, Event)

Posted: Mon Jun 07, 2021 4:32 pm
by Doji Hikaru
Hisomu Fumi wrote:
Mon Jun 07, 2021 4:28 pm
"Yes, I am currently studying how certain wounds have been treated and prioritized on the battlefield. Perhaps, by being able to assess them faster and more accurately, we can save more lives and prevent more permanent wounds. Some places cause the kami to not hear priests' call. Certain injuries prove fatal faster where even the smallest fraction of time counts." She frowned, "I am not sure this is pleasant talk for such a beautiful location."
Another moment of consideration, and Hikaru looked away. "Perhaps not." He said.

But then he looked back, the crease gone from his forehead. "To your earlier topic, this is very much a Crane wedding, even if our Imperial cousins were gracious enough to open their home to us. Everything carefully arranged, everything in its place." A sweeping hand encompassed all around them.

"How is it in the Spider?" He asked politely.

Re: [D1, LE] The Wedding Reception (Open, Event)

Posted: Mon Jun 07, 2021 4:42 pm
by Hisomu Fumi
"As I said, I only saw the one wedding as a child. Mai was born of the Bat and after training under her she seems to like things less... elaborate. Her carvings and weapons she crafts are quite beautiful but too much ceremony makes her nervous. Perhaps that was why. I have tended to stay among the scholars, for the most part. Every one focuses on independent areas of study to help the clan. Sometimes, they switch interests. We are not so formal as this, but not as uncouth as the Crab that have visited by far."

Re: [D1, LE] The Wedding Reception (Open, Event)

Posted: Mon Jun 07, 2021 4:44 pm
by Hadananzi
Makime Ayano wrote:
Mon Jun 07, 2021 4:01 pm
Spotting the bride and groom now free, Ayano approaches. She stays a little back until acknowledged, not wishing to be rude.

Her eyes sweep the rest of the room, and a pang of regret does hit her. Was she sending the wrong signals to the court? Did that even matter...
Hadananzi notices Ayano almost immediately, and has a smile ready as he gestures for her to approach. His bow is low and respectful, perhaps a touch more so than necessary.

"Greetings, Makime-san. I hope the day is finding you well?"

It was hard not to have noticed the fatigue that had overtaken Ayano during her gift presentation, but calling direct attention to it would have been rude, so he elected not to call attention to it.

Re: [D1, LE] The Wedding Reception (Open, Event)

Posted: Mon Jun 07, 2021 4:53 pm
by Makime Ayano
Hadananzi wrote:
Mon Jun 07, 2021 4:44 pm
Makime Ayano wrote:
Mon Jun 07, 2021 4:01 pm
Spotting the bride and groom now free, Ayano approaches. She stays a little back until acknowledged, not wishing to be rude.

Her eyes sweep the rest of the room, and a pang of regret does hit her. Was she sending the wrong signals to the court? Did that even matter...
Hadananzi notices Ayano almost immediately, and has a smile ready as he gestures for her to approach. His bow is low and respectful, perhaps a touch more so than necessary.

"Greetings, Makime-san. I hope the day is finding you well?"

It was hard not to have noticed the fatigue that had overtaken Ayano during her gift presentation, but calling direct attention to it would have been rude, so he elected not to call attention to it.
"Well, but less so then I believe yourself Nanzi-sama." Ayano returned the bow, matching it for depth...he was the consort of a future daimyo after all. Her eyes shift to the bride briefly before coming back to Hadananzi, "And less then Lady Nanzi-sama's day as well. Might I ask, will you both be lingering at the capital for a time or returning to lands of the Crane?"

Re: [D1, LE] The Wedding Reception (Open, Event)

Posted: Mon Jun 07, 2021 5:01 pm
by Akodo Kawauso
Reiko Machiko wrote:
Mon Jun 07, 2021 4:26 pm

Machiko sadly wasn't the most perceptive, and her shoulder gets caught by the distracted Lion. She managed not to drop her food but there was a frown.

"Hey, I get that I'm not the tallest but surely I'm not that small" she commented to the woman "wasn't even trying to keep quiet this time either. Do you have eyesight issues?"
Kawauso narrowly managed to control the drink she'd been holding, reflexively muttered an apology at the first contact, but at the grumpy reaction gives the other woman an unimpressed look. At a hair more than 5 feet, 10 inches tall, she was among the tallest of the non-kami-touched people in the room, and the Spider, grumpy or not, wasn't going to intimidate her.

"Not quiet indeed," the Lion said coldly. "But I already said I was sorry, so I suggest you accept that apology." The tall Lion gave her a steady look, waiting for an answer.

Re: [D1, LE] The Wedding Reception (Open, Event)

Posted: Mon Jun 07, 2021 5:02 pm
by Hadananzi
Makime Ayano wrote:
Mon Jun 07, 2021 4:53 pm
Hadananzi wrote:
Mon Jun 07, 2021 4:44 pm
Makime Ayano wrote:
Mon Jun 07, 2021 4:01 pm
Spotting the bride and groom now free, Ayano approaches. She stays a little back until acknowledged, not wishing to be rude.

Her eyes sweep the rest of the room, and a pang of regret does hit her. Was she sending the wrong signals to the court? Did that even matter...
Hadananzi notices Ayano almost immediately, and has a smile ready as he gestures for her to approach. His bow is low and respectful, perhaps a touch more so than necessary.

"Greetings, Makime-san. I hope the day is finding you well?"

It was hard not to have noticed the fatigue that had overtaken Ayano during her gift presentation, but calling direct attention to it would have been rude, so he elected not to call attention to it.
"Well, but less so then I believe yourself Nanzi-sama." Ayano returned the bow, matching it for depth...he was the consort of a future daimyo after all. Her eyes shift to the bride briefly before coming back to Hadananzi, "And less then Lady Nanzi-sama's day as well. Might I ask, will you both be lingering at the capital for a time or returning to lands of the Crane?"
"We intend to stay for a little while at least, avail ourselves of the hospitality being afforded to us. We wouldn't want to appear ungrateful by leaving too quickly." He smiled softly. "How about yourself? Will you be staying or leaving for your lands soon? And how are you finding the reception ceremony so far, is there anything you need?"

Re: [D1, LE] The Wedding Reception (Open, Event)

Posted: Mon Jun 07, 2021 5:04 pm
by Viveki Doshi
Jiyo Sora wrote:
Mon Jun 07, 2021 6:12 am
"Not sure... the bride's father helped negotiate our dealings with the Nezumi, and relations have been pretty good for the past couple of decades, but they have their own Empire to see to, and the damage Heavenfall did to them isn't the sort of thing you recover from overnight."

He shrugged.

"I hope so. I found them an impressive culture, and good people. And without their help, rescuing Hisomu would have been much more difficult."

"My family has had dealings with the Nezumi for many years." She places a hand on her chest. "That is actually my position among my family. I serve as a, ah... liasson to the Nezumi, ensuring that all of our trade routes remain operational while handling any issues that might arise. It is something I have been doing for... let's see, nine years now?"

Re: [D1, LE] The Wedding Reception (Open, Event)

Posted: Mon Jun 07, 2021 5:22 pm
by Makime Ayano
Hadananzi wrote:
Mon Jun 07, 2021 5:02 pm
"We intend to stay for a little while at least, avail ourselves of the hospitality being afforded to us. We wouldn't want to appear ungrateful by leaving too quickly." He smiled softly. "How about yourself? Will you be staying or leaving for your lands soon? And how are you finding the reception ceremony so far, is there anything you need?"
Ayano flushed a little, it was an innocent question but her physical weakness played heavily in her mind.

" Nanzi-sama, yourselves and his Majesty have been the most gracious of hosts." She dipped her head in emphasis. "As to my plans...I will linger a day or two then depart for my homeland. Mother will wish to know of the capital and your marriage."

Re: [D1, LE] The Wedding Reception (Open, Event)

Posted: Mon Jun 07, 2021 5:22 pm
by Togashi Satsuki
Kuu wrote:
Mon Jun 07, 2021 2:46 am
"There cannot be too many libraries. There is more knowledge in the world than could fit on all the scrolls in the empire. And with each passing day, the history of the empire grows larger. Who better to record theological ideas and history than those that seek understanding of theology."
"Hmmm, I suppose that is true," she agreed. "I've heard many think of it like that before. But! I also believe that we can't find all the knowledge in scrolls and texts even if it was all written down; sometimes you have to experience the world around you instead to understand."

Re: [D1, LE] The Wedding Reception (Open, Event)

Posted: Mon Jun 07, 2021 5:37 pm
by Kuu
Togashi Satsuki wrote:
Mon Jun 07, 2021 5:22 pm
"Hmmm, I suppose that is true," she agreed. "I've heard many think of it like that before. But! I also believe that we can't find all the knowledge in scrolls and texts even if it was all written down; sometimes you have to experience the world around you instead to understand."
"It's a difference between knowledge and understanding. Records contain knowledge while experience grants understanding. We can commit our understanding to knowledge but it doesn't work in reverse. But that knowledge points us in the right direction to grasp the world."

Re: [D1, LE] The Wedding Reception (Open, Event)

Posted: Mon Jun 07, 2021 5:44 pm
by Reiko Machiko
Akodo Kawauso wrote:
Mon Jun 07, 2021 5:01 pm
Kawauso narrowly managed to control the drink she'd been holding, reflexively muttered an apology at the first contact, but at the grumpy reaction gives the other woman an unimpressed look. At a hair more than 5 feet, 10 inches tall, she was among the tallest of the non-kami-touched people in the room, and the Spider, grumpy or not, wasn't going to intimidate her.

"Not quiet indeed," the Lion said coldly. "But I already said I was sorry, so I suggest you accept that apology." The tall Lion gave her a steady look, waiting for an answer.
"Did you? Not sure you did, and you don't even know who you walked into" Machiko said with a huff, putting her plate down to the side so she could cross her arms "then reacting rudely after? Not really making it appear that you really apologized, does it? "

Re: [D1, LE] The Wedding Reception (Open, Event)

Posted: Mon Jun 07, 2021 6:05 pm
by Hadananzi
Makime Ayano wrote:
Mon Jun 07, 2021 5:22 pm
Hadananzi wrote:
Mon Jun 07, 2021 5:02 pm
"We intend to stay for a little while at least, avail ourselves of the hospitality being afforded to us. We wouldn't want to appear ungrateful by leaving too quickly." He smiled softly. "How about yourself? Will you be staying or leaving for your lands soon? And how are you finding the reception ceremony so far, is there anything you need?"
Ayano flushed a little, it was an innocent question but her physical weakness played heavily in her mind.

" Nanzi-sama, yourselves and his Majesty have been the most gracious of hosts." She dipped her head in emphasis. "As to my plans...I will linger a day or two then depart for my homeland. Mother will wish to know of the capital and your marriage."
"Well, if your needs are met then we are pleased." Hadananzi put on his most charming smile to complement his words. "We were quite moved by your gift, it was very thoughtfully presented."

Re: [D1, LE] The Wedding Reception (Open, Event)

Posted: Mon Jun 07, 2021 6:06 pm
by Bayushi Sasori
Reiko Machiko wrote:
Mon Jun 07, 2021 5:44 pm
Akodo Kawauso wrote:
Mon Jun 07, 2021 5:01 pm
Kawauso narrowly managed to control the drink she'd been holding, reflexively muttered an apology at the first contact, but at the grumpy reaction gives the other woman an unimpressed look. At a hair more than 5 feet, 10 inches tall, she was among the tallest of the non-kami-touched people in the room, and the Spider, grumpy or not, wasn't going to intimidate her.

"Not quiet indeed," the Lion said coldly. "But I already said I was sorry, so I suggest you accept that apology." The tall Lion gave her a steady look, waiting for an answer.
"Did you? Not sure you did, and you don't even know who you walked into" Machiko said with a huff, putting her plate down to the side so she could cross her arms "then reacting rudely after? Not really making it appear that you really apologized, does it? "
Sasori is a curious cat and seeing this argument call upon her attention. She approached the two arguing parties. "Oh my a Spider wants to poison the Lion with her words... or will they start a war in a middle of such joyous occasion." She took her fan out that matches her kimono. "Sad, if such poor etiquette of both were to soil the ball."

Re: [D1, LE] The Wedding Reception (Open, Event)

Posted: Mon Jun 07, 2021 6:23 pm
by Doji Hikaru
Hisomu Fumi wrote:
Mon Jun 07, 2021 4:42 pm
"As I said, I only saw the one wedding as a child. Mai was born of the Bat and after training under her she seems to like things less... elaborate. Her carvings and weapons she crafts are quite beautiful but too much ceremony makes her nervous. Perhaps that was why. I have tended to stay among the scholars, for the most part. Every one focuses on independent areas of study to help the clan. Sometimes, they switch interests. We are not so formal as this, but not as uncouth as the Crab that have visited by far."
"Hmmm." Hikaru murmured softly. "A garden is not just the flowers, but the dirt, and perhaps even the sweat of the gardener."

He inclined his head. "I have heard of Ryoshun Mai. Her works are worthy of great honor. Has she trained you in her art, as well as medicine?"