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Re: [EA, D8] Court Part 5

Posted: Tue Jun 29, 2021 9:52 am
by Wu Zhe
He shakes his head in dismay at the horror show...there was really nothing to be processed at this point

''Holy cow...I really can't wait to go home.''

Re: [EA, D8] Court Part 5

Posted: Tue Jun 29, 2021 9:53 am
by Shiba
Doji Dojihime wrote:
Tue Jun 29, 2021 9:42 am
"Internal purge more like," she muttered before taking her place in the queue for Shiba.
Shiba nodded to her. "Doji-san, what can I do for you?"

Re: [EA, D8] Court Part 5

Posted: Tue Jun 29, 2021 9:54 am
by Wu Ko
Togashi Satsuki wrote:
Tue Jun 29, 2021 9:46 am
Yuzuru Hiroya wrote:
Tue Jun 29, 2021 9:01 am

Ko would feel a light hand on her shoulder and Hiroya would be next to her nodding wordlessly. The young man was always in court recording the events as they happened and today there had been much to write about. He had a book and pouch under one arm and his other on her shoulder. He looked to her and then Satsuki in turn and back to Ko "You are ok?" He cleared his throat "you are both ok?"
Things calmed down and were moving on, which Satsuki felt overwhelming. Everything was happening so fast with proclamations and commands and then uncle Bayushi was there too and there were just so many people.

She didn't move away from Ko's arms yet, as she took a deep breath. "I'm fine. I'll be fine. Just... that's the second demon today!"
Ko near-smiles through the focus at feeling the hand, hearing the voice. Nodding when Satsuki speaks she furrows her brow, "I.." she hesitates a moment, a frown. Broken by a rising smile however, for all that has happened those she cares for were safe. There was something to that which was powerful enough. With her hands on the sides of Satsuki's shoulders she gives each of them a gentle brush as she looks up to her.

Looking over her shoulder to Hiroya she smiles, nods, "We are okay," she says, a renewal to that smile. Looking back to Satsuki as she inhales, and exhales, trying to find her own normalcy again as the rest of the room has moved on. With the gentle brush Ko did not remove her hands from Satsuki, but the moment she felt Sarsuki did not want or need them there they would fall.

"I left only for one night," she says, meeting Satsuki's eye.

Re: [EA, D8] Court Part 5

Posted: Tue Jun 29, 2021 10:10 am
by Doji Dojihime
“Shiba-ojisama, thank you for your time. The Crane have suffered at the hands of Jigoku and hubris; first my mother then whatever that thing was that Kakita drove away, and then this Harbinger in the skin of that wretched creature. My father told me of the dangers he faced, the things he suffered and endured but it all seemed so distant and fanciful.”

“Yet I still wear his jade necklace that he gave unto me upon his return. We did not know that a monster had consumed Hadananzi, we did not know that this Harbinger walked among us, and we did not understand the resolve of this enemy. Ignorance is a deadly weapon and one that we can fight against, now and in a thousand years. Makime’s road is a grand start, and we will pour our resources into it but it seems important to me now more than ever that we have a united front among all houses,” she offered.

“An imperial sanctioned group whose one charge is to prepare and police and teach this generation and all that come after of the dangers we face, be it in our dreams or in the flesh. Be they magistrates or teachers, they should be called from all clans not just those that specialize in it, if this exists then I apologize but if not it should. We cannot ignore this threat, this danger to us all. If the Crane must be an object lesson in our ignorance so be it, we are ever the servants of the Throne and some lessons should be hard, should be bloody, even fatal; but from those we must learn and not repeat them. And those that have betrayed this Empire will answer,” she continued.

“I move that we create this group with your authority, so they can prepare the Thunders, prepare the Clans, and the Empire so that darkness does not turn the wheel. We can ill afford another dark day like today,” Dojihime finished and bowed once more.

OOC: Etiquette: 7d10o10k5+5 58 and Sincerity + Void: 8d10o10k6+5 65 to act as Doji proper and speak with Honesty.

Re: [EA, D8] Court Part 5

Posted: Tue Jun 29, 2021 10:15 am
by Isawa Kyosei
Jiyo Sora wrote:
Tue Jun 29, 2021 9:51 am

"You did well. We're going to need a lot of it."

He noted Dojihime's approach.

Too late for spin, Princess, but let's see if your courage and determination match your father's.
Kyosei watches, and listens, to the next several speakers. "Hmm. Interesting idea. Little late, but interesting. And, most of the jade seems fairly accessible, but I've no idea how deep it will go. I've still several pieces, mostly at home. Here, I've given up my dust I had, and have only two small pieces, and the large hand, of course."

Re: [EA, D8] Court Part 5

Posted: Tue Jun 29, 2021 10:21 am
by Jiyo Sora
Isawa Kyosei wrote:
Tue Jun 29, 2021 10:15 am
Kyosei watches, and listens, to the next several speakers. "Hmm. Interesting idea. Little late, but interesting. And, most of the jade seems fairly accessible, but I've no idea how deep it will go. I've still several pieces, mostly at home. Here, I've given up my dust I had, and have only two small pieces, and the large hand, of course."
"I still have some from the journey south, as it happens... excuse me..."

Sora advanced to stand near Dojihime.

In support.

The idea was a tardy one, and he thought that any talk of Hadananzi being "consumed" was absurd, but why let that get in the way of endorsing an idea that would, like Ayano's roads, be a boon to the Empire?

Re: [EA, D8] Court Part 5

Posted: Tue Jun 29, 2021 10:22 am
by Yuzuru
Yuzuru finally seems to stir from the distractions that have made him appear to only be half here all day. Perhaps it was the demonic revelation, or maybe the demon leaving and no longer dulling his prophetic senses . . . . most likely though it was his fox nipping his ankle out of desperation. Sightless vision looked about and he uttered five quiet words.

"Set wards about the Court."

Re: [EA, D8] Court Part 5

Posted: Tue Jun 29, 2021 10:26 am
by Shiba
Doji Dojihime wrote:
Tue Jun 29, 2021 10:10 am
“Shiba-ojisama, thank you for your time. The Crane have suffered at the hands of Jigoku and hubris; first my mother then whatever that thing was that Kakita drove away, and then this Harbinger in the skin of that wretched creature. My father told me of the dangers he faced, the things he suffered and endured but it all seemed so distant and fanciful.”

“Yet I still wear his jade necklace that he gave unto me upon his return. We did not know that a monster had consumed Hadananzi, we did not know that this Harbinger walked among us, and we did not understand the resolve of this enemy. Ignorance is a deadly weapon and one that we can fight against, now and in a thousand years. Makime’s road is a grand start, and we will pour our resources into it but it seems important to me now more than ever that we have a united front among all houses,” she offered.

“An imperial sanctioned group whose one charge is to prepare and police and teach this generation and all that come after of the dangers we face, be it in our dreams or in the flesh. Be they magistrates or teachers, they should be called from all clans not just those that specialize in it, if this exists then I apologize but if not it should. We cannot ignore this threat, this danger to us all. If the Crane must be an object lesson in our ignorance so be it, we are ever the servants of the Throne and some lessons should be hard, should be bloody, even fatal; but from those we must learn and not repeat them. And those that have betrayed this Empire will answer,” she continued.

“I move that we create this group with your authority, so they can prepare the Thunders, prepare the Clans, and the Empire so that darkness does not turn the wheel. We can ill afford another dark day like today,” Dojihime finished and bowed once more.

OOC: Etiquette: 7d10o10k5+5 58 and Sincerity + Void: 8d10o10k6+5 65 to act as Doji proper and speak with Honesty.
"I agree. That is an excellent idea, Doji-san. We shall set to it."

Re: [EA, D8] Court Part 5

Posted: Tue Jun 29, 2021 10:31 am
by Isawa Kyosei
Yuzuru wrote:
Tue Jun 29, 2021 10:22 am
Yuzuru finally seems to stir from the distractions that have made him appear to only be half here all day. Perhaps it was the demonic revelation, or maybe the demon leaving and no longer dulling his prophetic senses . . . . most likely though it was his fox nipping his ankle out of desperation. Sightless vision looked about and he uttered five quiet words.

"Set wards about the Court."

On hearing those words, Kyosei takes an obsidian knife from his side, and slices his left forearm. Deeper than usual, even, and calls on the highest Spirit he knows how. She is beneficent, and answers with her Holy Light shining inside the Court. Kyosei then pulls out another cloth, and begins wrapping the self-inflicted wound.

"It is not much, but should help a little. I will do what I can, further, as I can, but it is not an area I much know of." He looks around for a page, or servant, to summon other Isawa, who might know more of warding.


Gift of Amaterasu, 2 Called Raises for duration, TN 20: 24. The light will last 20 minutes.

Re: [EA, D8] Court Part 5

Posted: Tue Jun 29, 2021 10:38 am
by Doji Dojihime
Shiba wrote:
Tue Jun 29, 2021 10:26 am
"I agree. That is an excellent idea, Doji-san. We shall set to it."
“Thank you,” she said thankful for the Imperial support.

“There is one final matter, the failure of the Crane in this matter. We have failed, but we will learn from this but if punishment must come then I will bear it. As heir to the clan and acting leader of this delegation it falls to me. I announce that if you wish it so and if Jiyo Sora is willing to act as second, then my life is yours for this failure.”

“Doji Hikaru would act as regent to my sister, until such time my mother has recovered fully or my sister comes of age,” she offered.

Dojihime finished with, “Say the word, honored Uncle and it shall be done.”

Re: [EA, D8] Court Part 5

Posted: Tue Jun 29, 2021 11:24 am
by Otomo Gusai
Gusai remains close to Genji, not convinced that the danger is past.

But his eye twitches back and forth as he begins plotting out the logistics involved in fulfilling the Imperial command for jade. Years of shipping have left him with fairly detailed knowledge of Stag offerings, after all, and while he may not know which villages work the mines, he damned well knows what rivers they're on.

Re: [EA, D8] Court Part 5

Posted: Tue Jun 29, 2021 11:30 am
by Ryoshun Rei
It wasn't what she had expected. It was far worse. The nightmares weren't a warning, they were the threat. The enemy could attack from anywhere, any dreamer could accept its offer.

Rei sheathed her tanto quietly, still trying to understand it all. She looked around and listened as plans were set in motion. The roads, good the Bat could help with that. Jade? They'd need to locate it quickly and begin mining it as soon as possible. The smith's could work with it, so could Agasha's family. Protection was a priority, but weapons would be needed to fight back. Father might have some ideas.

There were so many things to plan, so much to coordinate.

Re: [EA, D8] Court Part 5

Posted: Tue Jun 29, 2021 11:42 am
by Bayushi Sasori
Sasori eased as her weighted fan is back into her obi. She shook her head as all the commotion died down. She sighed. The girl couldn't look up to her master maybe a bit of shame. Her news seemed insignificant but she had promised Yuzuru a report. Yet the Isawa had casted a ward.

She looked at her friend Kogi and sighed. "It is unfair." She hid her frown behind her fan. "Lord Bayushi knows better to convince Emperor Shiba of the doings of the Crane. They had let this corruption into the Empire and its infiltration amongst the realms will be dire." She shook her head again. "I fear for Chikuchudo being corrupted by this thing." She then a candle lit on her head on how to approach. "Grant me strength."

She approach the Dais.
Yuzuru wrote:
Tue Jun 29, 2021 10:22 am
Yuzuru finally seems to stir from the distractions that have made him appear to only be half here all day. Perhaps it was the demonic revelation, or maybe the demon leaving and no longer dulling his prophetic senses . . . . most likely though it was his fox nipping his ankle out of desperation. Sightless vision looked about and he uttered five quiet words.

"Set wards about the Court."
"Lord Yuzuru sama, Sasori of the Bayushi with a concern." She announced herself giving proper reverence.

Re: [EA, D8] Court Part 5

Posted: Tue Jun 29, 2021 12:00 pm
by Makime Ayano
Bereft of any of her kin, the Lioness stood alone.

Ayano watched the proceedings in stoic silence, though her skin had taken an almost pallor look. She had spoken at length with both of the now unmasked demons and had her own dreams invaded. How does one organize a defense of your dreams?

The mention of the importance of the road and Dojihime's proposal snapped her from dark thoughts. She would quietly offer her services directly to the Throne to help with these or any other project that was deemed necessary against this sudden declaration of war.

Re: [EA, D8] Court Part 5

Posted: Tue Jun 29, 2021 12:02 pm
by Hantei Kinsen
Hantei Genji wrote:
Tue Jun 29, 2021 7:59 am
He bowed once again. "We are yours to command."
Kinsen bows low, following her son in heart and soul.
Shiba wrote:
Tue Jun 29, 2021 8:08 am
Shiba nodded silently and thought for a moment before saying, "When you and Hantei Kinsen-san return home, I will need your Clan to start with the veins you know of and begin mining jade on a large scale. We will need it to protect the Empire's minds and souls from this insidious incursion of Jigoku into our dreams."

"I wish your Clan to work with my people to see to its distribution. I believe that Makime Ayano-san's road project will be vital to ensuring quick movement of people and jade around the Empire, so I hope the Clans will be ready to make that a priority. Agility and fast reactions has become a requirement rather than an option."
Watching the Emperor giving credit to her dear son, hearing her own name coming directly from the Emperor's lips, and the mention of a purpose set on the Stag to unite the other Clans in protecting the Empire does fill up a certain gap in Kinsen's heart, as insufficient it may be in this early stage of the Empire. Yet, it was still attached by strings, and not the direct service she would expect.

Kinsen expects great many things, and as shown time and time again, doesn't shy off to show claws to fight for that which she thinks is right: whatever the consequences.
Hantei Genji wrote:
Tue Jun 29, 2021 8:15 am
"As you wish my lord." He stood up and straightened. "The full might of the Stag will focus on that, and we will ready our warriors just in case." He glanced around, searching the others. "I will seek out Makime-san and involve her in our part of the road network."
Kinsen stands up, and looks from Genji to Ayano, and then runs her eyes over to find Chizu, where she keeps for a moment longer.

Re: [EA, D8] Court Part 5

Posted: Tue Jun 29, 2021 12:37 pm
by Kakita
Ryoshun Rei wrote:
Tue Jun 29, 2021 11:30 am
It wasn't what she had expected. It was far worse. The nightmares weren't a warning, they were the threat. The enemy could attack from anywhere, any dreamer could accept its offer.

Rei sheathed her tanto quietly, still trying to understand it all. She looked around and listened as plans were set in motion. The roads, good the Bat could help with that. Jade? They'd need to locate it quickly and begin mining it as soon as possible. The smith's could work with it, so could Agasha's family. Protection was a priority, but weapons would be needed to fight back. Father might have some ideas.

There were so many things to plan, so much to coordinate.
After Kakita relaxed his stance and watched the proceedings he turned to Rei and repeated the last words before the world changed.

“We will be ready.”

Re: [EA, D8] Court Part 5

Posted: Tue Jun 29, 2021 12:49 pm
by Kuu
Kuu comes into the court far later than usual, missing all the excitement. He just finds a place to sit.

Re: [EA, D8] Court Part 5

Posted: Tue Jun 29, 2021 12:53 pm
by Doji Hikaru
When Hadananzi had changed, Hikaru had been shocked. When Tsubaki changed, Hikaru was dismayed. What did this mean for Lady Doji that the Crane apparently harbored so many demons? Wordlessly gritting his teeth, he reached up with both hands. Carefully, he pulled the front of his kimono open, just a few inches, enough to bare a V of his chest, and a jade ornament resting against it. Perhaps that would be enough.

That done, he looked over towards Satsuki. What the demon had spoken of, that was the information they'd given to the emperor the day before. He raised his eyebrows, giving her a significant look. He did not know, but he very much hoped that their searching had turned up something that would be useful in the coming war.

But then Dojihime spoke...

"Doji-sama...!" Hikaru stepped forward, uttering her name in helpless objection He looked at her beseechingly, then turned his gaze towards the emperor, wordlessly ask for the princess's mercy.

Re: [EA, D8] Court Part 5

Posted: Tue Jun 29, 2021 12:55 pm
by Ryoshun Rei
Kakita wrote:
Tue Jun 29, 2021 12:37 pm

After Kakita relaxed his stance and watched the proceedings he turned to Rei and repeated the last words before the world changed.

“We will be ready.”
She nodded. "We have much to do. But, I'd like to hear the details of the duel. I apologize for not being there."

She looked down at his arm.

Re: [EA, D8] Court Part 5

Posted: Tue Jun 29, 2021 1:08 pm
by Kakita
Ryoshun Rei wrote:
Tue Jun 29, 2021 12:55 pm
She nodded. "We have much to do. But, I'd like to hear the details of the duel. I apologize for not being there."

She looked down at his arm.
“There is no need for an apology. All went as it should. An agent of evil was revealed for what he was. The heavens shined on us today.” He replied calmly.

He motioned his head towards the rotten tatami mats that servants rushed to dispose of. “And now the darkness moves again…”