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by Kuu
Mon Jun 14, 2021 11:14 pm
Forum: Library and Study Rooms
Topic: Hoarfrost and Herbals [D3 LM, open]
Replies: 31
Views: 5196

Re: Hoarfrost and Herbals [D3 LM, open]

"It's an evolving thing. A few have done so, but many have been following Shinsei and his ideas for a long time. I was taken in by one of his earlier followers as an orphaned child." "But being a monk and having a general lifestyle of philosophical contemplation and physical conditioning should not ...
by Kuu
Mon Jun 14, 2021 6:10 pm
Forum: Library and Study Rooms
Topic: Hoarfrost and Herbals [D3 LM, open]
Replies: 31
Views: 5196

Re: Hoarfrost and Herbals [D3 LM, open]

"Technically it is a technique that can be taught to anyone, in the same way the skills and techniques of a clan's bushi can be taught to anyone, it just takes an understanding of energy and elements that monks and shugenja have. So if one were to train as a monk, even if they couldn't speak with th...
by Kuu
Mon Jun 14, 2021 3:21 pm
Forum: Hot Springs
Topic: A Bird Without Its Feathers (D3, LA, Open)
Replies: 40
Views: 6723

Re: A Bird Without Its Feathers (D3, LA, Open)

"I see. I thought maybe it might be a second home if you had a tea house here. Although I never have the sensation of wearing out my welcome. I never stay anyplace I visit for very long at all. Plus, I tend to not use or need much either, living an ascetic lifestyle. I'm just as happy sleeping on th...
by Kuu
Mon Jun 14, 2021 1:15 pm
Forum: Hot Springs
Topic: A Bird Without Its Feathers (D3, LA, Open)
Replies: 40
Views: 6723

Re: A Bird Without Its Feathers (D3, LA, Open)

"I see. So you'll be returning home when weather allows then? Taken away by business or do you just prefer Crane lands to the capital?" he asks curiously.
by Kuu
Mon Jun 14, 2021 11:19 am
Forum: Hot Springs
Topic: A Bird Without Its Feathers (D3, LA, Open)
Replies: 40
Views: 6723

Re: A Bird Without Its Feathers (D3, LA, Open)

"The servants can't melt snow just by walking near it, so I saved them a good deal of time and effort," he says with a shrug. "And I was here for the wedding, though not as a personal guest. I helped with cleansing and purification rituals of the temple. Any of our order could have been assigned the...
by Kuu
Mon Jun 14, 2021 3:58 am
Forum: Hot Springs
Topic: A Bird Without Its Feathers (D3, LA, Open)
Replies: 40
Views: 6723

Re: A Bird Without Its Feathers (D3, LA, Open)

"It has been fine. I spent some time this morning clearing paths between buildings, so a bit of a brisk walk for that. But not much going on besides. A little calligraphy and conversation. Now a bit of relaxation," he replies with a smile. "It is a pleasure to meet you Doji-sama."
by Kuu
Mon Jun 14, 2021 3:56 am
Forum: Library and Study Rooms
Topic: Hoarfrost and Herbals [D3 LM, open]
Replies: 31
Views: 5196

Re: Hoarfrost and Herbals [D3 LM, open]

"I've never gotten to know much about that sort of medicine. We have some slightly different teachings and methods available in the Order. I can actually target pressure points on the body to stimulate healing at an accelerated rate," he says as he goes about setting up the writing supplies. "I've s...
by Kuu
Sun Jun 13, 2021 6:54 pm
Forum: Library and Study Rooms
Topic: Hoarfrost and Herbals [D3 LM, open]
Replies: 31
Views: 5196

Re: Hoarfrost and Herbals [D3 LM, open]

"Why hello again," comes a newly familiar voice. "A pleasure to happen upon you again Bayushi-sama." He approaches the table and offers a nod, holding his writing kit. This place had some of the best tables for use in calligraphy, likely so scribes could copy writings for their own records or librar...
by Kuu
Sun Jun 13, 2021 6:39 pm
Forum: Hot Springs
Topic: A Bird Without Its Feathers (D3, LA, Open)
Replies: 40
Views: 6723

Re: A Bird Without Its Feathers (D3, LA, Open)

Kuu entered the baths for some relaxation time. He sat not too far from Tsubaki and gave her a nod of greeting. "Good afternoon. I am Kuu, of the Order of Heroes. I hope the day is treating you well."
by Kuu
Sun Jun 13, 2021 6:33 pm
Forum: Dining Hall
Topic: [D2 LE] Heroic Tales
Replies: 106
Views: 17720

Re: [D2 LE] Heroic Tales

"Most heroic deeds will never be known because those who perform them are doing so for reasons other than glory. They'll never say anything, they will go unseen by most and those that do see may do nothing more than thank them. Only the most extravagant examples tend to make it to stories and histor...
by Kuu
Sun Jun 13, 2021 12:44 am
Forum: Dining Hall
Topic: [D2 LE] Heroic Tales
Replies: 106
Views: 17720

Re: [D2 LE] Heroic Tales

Yatsufusa would approach Kuu and bow to him. It seems that his perspective over what could be consider heroic had some validity, and he hoped that his words would inspire those in the masses that still were not to be found, to rise among the crowds and shine like stars. If his words, as few as they...
by Kuu
Sat Jun 12, 2021 8:06 pm
Forum: Garden
Topic: [D2LA] Bonsai Bonanza (PLAYER EVENT)
Replies: 50
Views: 8067

Re: [D2LA] Bonsai Bonanza (PLAYER EVENT)

Kuu receives the painting and thanks Hikaru. The painting is officially bound for the first temple of the Order of Heroes. Each of the kami are heroes in their own right after all and having a piece of art made by the hand of a revered kami would allow for a properly appointed shrine.
by Kuu
Sat Jun 12, 2021 7:56 pm
Forum: Dining Hall
Topic: [D2 LE] Heroic Tales
Replies: 106
Views: 17720

Re: [D2 LE] Heroic Tales

Throughout the stories, Kuu continues his fast paced scribbling, taking down the notes and story points for full retelling and recording later. When the stories come to a close, the monk goes through them all to figure out who would be placed where in rankings. It doesn't take long for him to order ...
by Kuu
Sat Jun 12, 2021 7:36 pm
Forum: Dining Hall
Topic: [D2 LE] Heroic Tales
Replies: 106
Views: 17720

Re: [D2 LE] Heroic Tales

Event Closed for rolling. Continue RP as you like.
by Kuu
Fri Jun 11, 2021 9:48 pm
Forum: Garden
Topic: [Day 1 EM, open] Cold Habits
Replies: 36
Views: 5390

Re: [Day 1 EM, open] Cold Habits

"This is a technique that relies on rearranging ones internal elements. I route my fire into a level of prominence, then feed it by burning a little bit from the others. I direct that energy into my skin and allow my fire to have a direct impact on the world." He smirks, "Of course, that explanation...
by Kuu
Fri Jun 11, 2021 12:00 pm
Forum: Garden
Topic: [Day 1 EM, open] Cold Habits
Replies: 36
Views: 5390

Re: [Day 1 EM, open] Cold Habits

"We live in the world," he says with a chuckle. Noticing that she seemed to be a bit chilly, Ku took a step away. After a moment or two of concentration his skin flushed heavily and he began giving off intense heat like a fire. "And when one lives in the world, it is helpful. Many monks have a more ...
by Kuu
Fri Jun 11, 2021 1:43 am
Forum: Audience Hall
Topic: [D2, EA] Imperial Court, Part 1 (Open, Event)
Replies: 206
Views: 32156

Re: [D2, EA] Imperial Court, Part 1 (Open, Event)

"Growth from failure you say? What a novel concept. I think I shall take it to heart." Hadananzi put a hand on his chest for emphasis. "This really has been a most enlightening conversion, Kuu-san, but I fear I must be back about my business within the court soon. Perhaps we could discuss these ide...
by Kuu
Fri Jun 11, 2021 1:04 am
Forum: Audience Hall
Topic: [D2, EA] Imperial Court, Part 1 (Open, Event)
Replies: 206
Views: 32156

Re: [D2, EA] Imperial Court, Part 1 (Open, Event)

"Each to their own strengths. Now that is a concept that's compelling to hear about. The courtier is strong in court but not with a blade, while the bushi serves the opposite role. Each person must be analyzed by their individual strengths and weaknesses. That is a very useful way to think." "It's ...
by Kuu
Thu Jun 10, 2021 11:34 pm
Forum: Audience Hall
Topic: [D2, EA] Imperial Court, Part 1 (Open, Event)
Replies: 206
Views: 32156

Re: [D2, EA] Imperial Court, Part 1 (Open, Event)

"So your order preaches a firm hand, helping those in true need and only occasionally those who might have gotten themselves in too thick with their burdens. I can respect that notion." Granted Hadananzi was more for culling the weak than helping them, but he didn't wish to betray that side of his ...
by Kuu
Thu Jun 10, 2021 8:45 pm
Forum: Garden
Topic: [Day 1 EM, open] Cold Habits
Replies: 36
Views: 5390

Re: [Day 1 EM, open] Cold Habits

"Indeed. I think part of the Order's clever design is to suggest a unified purpose of encouragement of heroes through heroic tales. Which means that the many varied members of the Order will tell a tale as needed for the person they are encouraging. That person may then go on to imitate the story to...